DSC Foundation is proud to announce this year’s Education Award recipient is The Wildlife Society.
The Wildlife Society (TWS), founded in 1937, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization representing an international network of more than 11,000 members. Our mission is to empower wildlife students and professionals to advance conservation through science, community, and professional excellence. To further this mission TWS offers programs that aim to support the development and advancement of wildlife professionals throughout their careers, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills needed to effectively conserve and manage wildlife and their habitats.
CEO Ed Arnett was excited the organization was being recognized.
“Peer-recognition is a true pinnacle of accomplishment for any individual or organization,” he said. “The Wildlife Society strives every day to be a leader in wildlife science and education, and to serve as a technical resource for its members, partners, decision-makers, and the public. To be recognized with the Education Award by our partners at the Dallas Safari Club Foundation is truly an honor that is deeply appreciated and a motivator to continually improve on delivering our professional and educational services.”
Along with the award, to be handed out at the Friday Night Banquet at the 2025 DSC Convention & Sporting Expo, TWS will receive a $10,000 grant from DSCF.
“Current and future conservation efforts fundamentally depend on a strong, well-trained work force of wildlife professionals,” Arnett said. “This generous award will be used to help fund travel grants for wildlife students in need of assistance to allow them to attend our annual conference and all of the networking, mentoring, and training workshops we provide at this event.”
Learn more about the great work being done by The Wildlife Society.